Investment proposals
of the Krylovskaya district
Investmentprojects Investment
map of the region Investment
The main activities of the district is agriculture, trade, industry and small business
Head of the Municipal Formation
Krylovskaya District
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
Let me welcome you on behalf of the 36,000th population of the Municipal Formation Krylovskaya District of the Krasnodar region!
The Krylovskaya district is a single territory with local government within its boundaries, and it includes 6 rural settlements.
The Krylovskaya district is located in the northern part of the Krasnodar region; the total area of the district is 1,363 square kilometers; the most of the lands are agricultural. The climate is continental with an average annual temperature of – 5 to +22 degrees Celsius.
The soils in the district are presented with carbonate, black, powerful and low-humic soils. The gorgeous black soils provide obtaining good yields of crops, which are usual for the district and provide an opportunity for the development of hothouse vegetable and berry growing. The Yeya river with its tributaries flows throughout the district into the Sea of Azov.
The undeniable argument of the attractiveness of the Krylovskaya district is its unique geographical location.
The sections of the North-Caucasian Railway and the federal highway M-4 “Don” pass along the territory of the district that provides distribution of traffic flows to Eastern Europe, Central Russia, the Azov and Black Sea coast, the North Caucasus and Central East.
The Krasnodar region is washed by two seas – the Black and Azov Seas. There are large ports, the only ones in the south of Russia, on the coast, and the Krylovskaya district is located at a distance of 200-300 km from them.
The working-age population is 21.9 thousand people. About 15.6 thousand people are employed in basic industries: 5.2 thousand people – in agriculture, 6.1 thousand people – in trade and services, about 450 people – In industrial complex, about 400 people – in construction, transport and communication, 3.0 thousand people – in the social sphere, and about 6 thousand people is a labour force reserve.
The main structural industry in the district was and still is agriculture. There were 594 peasant farm enterprises, 52 LLCs and 12,700 personal subsidiary plots in the district on 112.2 thousand ha in 2013.
The value of gross production in the agricultural sector is marked with 12.5% growth and amounted to 5,042.2 million rubles including 4,216.8 million rubles in plant growing, and 825.4 million rubles in animal agriculture.
Spiked cereals, grain legume crops and corn are grown on more than 80 thousand ha.
Thanks to state support of small farms, vegetable production under glass is developing in the individual enterprises, peasant farm enterprises and personal subsidiary plots in the district.
The district gathers a good harvest of potatoes and vegetables.
The livestock industry is represented in the district with different directions: there are cattle farms and pig farms here.
The average annual production of meat is 7,000 tons, and that one of milk is 11,000 tons.
Many enterprises of the district are engaged in alternative livestock industry, such as sheep breeding and poultry breeding (ducks, geese, chickens, turkeys and quails).
Trading is also a priority sector. Annual retail turnover is more than 2 billion rubles; the turnover of catering is provided in the amount of about 110 million rubles, and paid services to the population is in the amount of about 900 million rubles.
Industry is not a priority sector of economy for the Municipal Formation and is represented by 14 companies: 3 middle and 11 small enterprises. Goods produced in the amount of 0.5 billion rubles are shipped annually to the industrial complex of the district.
The product range includes: meat and sausage products, vegetable oil, sweet lemonades, bread and bakery products, as well as assembly and shipment of bicycles, motorcycles and ceramic bricks.
Banking services are represented by 5 additional offices of credit organizations in the district.
Insurance services of the Municipal Formation is carried out by 4 companies.
Small business has a significant role in the economy of the district: the share of structures of small and medium enterprises in the gross municipal product is 50%, the employment of the working population in the economy of the district is 30%.
There were 1,430 small and medium-sized enterprises in the district in 2014, among them there were 3 medium sized, 117 small businesses and 1,310 individual entrepreneurs. The main activities of this segment of the economy is the consumer market of goods and services (40%) and agriculture (44%).
Strategy of the investment development of the Municipal Formation for the period until 2020 is aimed at the maximum development of industries that will have become ‘points of growth’ of the economy of the Municipal Formation. Its goal is development and modernization of agriculture of the district with the creation of closed cycles of growing and full processing of own agricultural products, which volume will increase to 2 times of production by 2020 compared to 2008.
Administration of the Krylovskaya district invites investors for cooperation and ensures providing investment sites for investment projects.
Sincerely yours, Head of the Municipal Formation Krylovskaya District
Demirov Vitaliy Georgiyevich