The structure of local government of the Municipal Formation
Demirov Vitaliy Georgiyevich
Head of the Administration of the Municipal Formation Krylovskaya District
Address: Ordzhonikidze street, 43, Krylovskaya Cossack village
Phone: 8(861-61)-31-4-84
Ovsiyenko Evgeniy Mikhailovich
Authorized Person of the Investment Development Department, the First Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation
Phone: 8 (86161) 32628
Kiselyova Svetlana Viktorovna
Head of Department of Economic Development
Address: Ordzhonikidze street, 43, Krylovskaya Cossack village
Phone: 8(861-61)-32-1-81
Fedorenko Nikolay Aleksandrovich
Leading Specialist of the Investment Development Department
Phone: 8 (86161) 30475